Sustainable Packaging Industries is dedicated to providing quality and environmentally friendly molded pulp packaging. Our mission is to provide solutions that meet our customer’s aesthetic and functional packaging needs.
Benefits of Pulp Packaging
Molded pulp packaging offers a wide range of benefits compared to traditional plastic and EPS (Styrofoam) packaging.
• 100% post-industrial raw materials
• Chemical-free pulping process
• Open air drying (70% of the time)
• No waste water — all water evaporates or is reused in the pulping process
• Zero manufacturing waste –- all scraps are returned to the pulp slurry
• Final packaging is 100% recyclable
• Excellent bracing, blocking and cushioning protection
• Unaffected by extreme temperatures
• Water resistant
• Electrically neutral
• Inexpensive and stable raw material sources
• Affordable new development costs
• Designed to nest for reduced shipping and storage costs
• Formed to shape –- no assembly required